Here’s another vintage program, a Yankees one this time, I got a bunch of these from my sister-in-law a while ago. If you’re interested in the whole story of how I acquired these, you can read the intro to this blog post. This game is about six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and it is reflected in the ads in the program with a call to buy defense bonds and other items. This program is 10¢ which is amazing. You can view the whole program yourself as a PDF here.
There are also numerous warnings about gambling and throwing bottles or other “missiles” on the field.
I also find a lot of ads for hotels that are in other parts of the country, some of them advertise as “home of the Yankees when they are in…”. Also of note, the Hotel New Yorker advertises “PROTECTO-RAY BATHROOMS” which are ultra-violet rayed. I had no idea they were aware of the disinfectant properties of UV back then, and even advertising it as a benefit.
As far as the game itself, which you can see was scored in the program, the Yankees lost to the Indians 5-4. It was a double-header which is indicated in the news article saying “Yankees Take Nightcap, 13-1”. The first game ended the winning streak of Tiny Bonham. The attendance was one of the largest in the history of Yankee Stadium. Another interesting note, in the caption for the picture, it says “ Manager Lou Boudreau crosses the plate…”, which I find fascinating. In my lifetime, I only recall a couple of managers playing, Pete Rose of the Reds, and Joe Torre, when he was a player\manager, albeit for a very brief time. You can read the entire article here yourself.
Another ad I really love is this ad for the Hotel Astor, which ran in the margin of the centerfold score card, down both pages. First, they have entertainment on the roof, NY’s Largest and Finest as they exclaim, and none other than Tommy Dorsey. Also featuring Frank Sinatra, which was very early in his career at this point, also Buddy Rich. I would have loved to check that out.